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Showing posts from August, 2011

Celibacy Blues ?

Hi Ladies, OK just sitting here at work thinking about the events of my life and all that has taken place in my transition to Cali.   Let me take you through the course of things that had taken place.   I remember I touched down in Houston, TX on Sept. 26 on my way to California when I ran into the most handsome Light Bright Man, lol I had ever seen and we sat and ate Wendy’s together and talked for a while just long enough for me to find out that he does a lot of business in and out of LA (which was where I was going).   So we exchanged numbers quite naturally and I went about my way.   We would sporadically text from time to time but nothing in depth just Hi’s.   Til one day he called me up and was like I'm in town, “let’s get together.”   All I could think was OK great. I have been here in this apartment lonely and finally some male company.   YES!!!   We got together that same day and hung out.   I met him at his hotel room and from there we left and went to the Hollywood Bowl