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Showing posts from July, 2013

“When I Wake Up”

Good Afternoon LADIES, How are we? I hope each of you is doing Amazing as for me I had to take a moment and blog about something that has been on my mind for the last month or so. (Listen to music while reading) Here goes: I think Jill Scott said it best in the song, “ When I Wake Up ” in the opening she says “ too much on my mind ,” is exactly what I have had going on. So for the last month I have felt the pressure of life and wanting to leave AR so bad. I feel that it is so slow and no room for real progression. Really I ultimately miss living in California and I long to be back there. It’s been so unsettling that it almost makes me want to pull out the little spackle of hair that sits upon my head. I try to get busy doing things to find fulfillment or pleasure but even those things only give me the temporary excitement. I often have to ask myself the question really what is it that I’m wanting or feeling that I am missing in life. And the only thing I can think of is true happi