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Showing posts from January, 2012

Beware of Familiar Spirits

So I’m back in the Motherland, back to my roots, back to where I began which is here in Little Rock, AR.   I know y’all maybe saying  “dang this girl is unstable and has been moving. lol”   Well most of this is true but I was in Colorado with my dad and stepmom (which you already knew that) and it was a great experience but short lived.   CO was a little too cold and just not the place for me.   But I did meet some great people and made some friendships that will last a lifetime.   God always has a way of placing wonderful people in my path.   Well OK so this is not what I came on here to discuss but rather the topic at hand is the overwhelming, thought provoking, temptation feeling that I have had since I got back to the Rock.   Let me paint the picture for you. So I’m walking around my sister’s house and I feel this overwhelming of a wandering spirit upon me.   Even though I know I am physically and mentally drained my emotions seem to be in overload, desiring to kept and felt safe