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Beware of Familiar Spirits

So I’m back in the Motherland, back to my roots, back to where I began which is here in Little Rock, AR.  I know y’all maybe saying “dang this girl is unstable and has been moving. lol”  Well most of this is true but I was in Colorado with my dad and stepmom (which you already knew that) and it was a great experience but short lived.  CO was a little too cold and just not the place for me.  But I did meet some great people and made some friendships that will last a lifetime.  God always has a way of placing wonderful people in my path.  Well OK so this is not what I came on here to discuss but rather the topic at hand is the overwhelming, thought provoking, temptation feeling that I have had since I got back to the Rock.  Let me paint the picture for you.

So I’m walking around my sister’s house and I feel this overwhelming of a wandering spirit upon me.  Even though I know I am physically and mentally drained my emotions seem to be in overload, desiring to kept and felt safe.  I guess it’s something about being back home that brings me back to the familiar and my flesh seems to be in high gear.  I’m realizing that more now I have to continue to die daily and not be persuaded to the temptations and attacks that my flesh is having at this time.  It’s like you see a familiar face and hangout with them and your emotions and flesh start to get the better of you.  I’m also realizing that I must take myself back to the space in my mind where I was not getting caught up in the physical thrill that is only temporary.  We go back to the familiar because its what’s comfortable to us but my Spiritual Mother once told me “God doesn’t make things comfortable for us because we will get stuck right there.” 

We must keep moving and walking in the works of the Lord and also in purpose and destiny.  We must continuously walk by faith and not by sight.  It seems that the enemy knows exactly what to tempt or present to you just so you can stumble or fall back into old habits, old ways and old states of mind.  For a while before I left CO I kept hearing the spirit say “the Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak!!!”  Now I understand why I was hearing this.  The key is to not be so easily tempted by the enemy’s tactics but to continue to seek after God when you feel yourself slipping.  As I was at bible study on Wednesday my pastor was talking about temptation.  His quote was to “eliminate the temptation before the temptation to sin!!”   We must stop things before they go any further.  And that is if a man sees you have been on a good road and your head is in a good space, and also you are feeling kept in Jesus, please don’t allow anyone or anything to take you off the flow and plan God has in store for you.  It’s easy to be tempted and fall into sin.  But don’t allow the enemy to plant the seeds to get you off your course.  If your struggle has been in the area of physical desire and you have been keeping yourself all this time with the help of the Lord continue to seek him about your flesh and those desires that may try to consume you.  (Of course, im talking to myself when I say this.) 

Continue to keep your eyes on the prize and know that all things shall be added unto you if you just keep your focus.  “What does it profit a man (woman) to gain the whole world and lose his (her) soul?”  It’s so not worth it but one thing “I Know” is Worth it, you are!!!


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