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I See You!!!

Hello Beautiful Ladies,

Its been quite a while I must say but there has been something that has really been pressing on me so I’m writing this blog out of my anguish, out of a place that is near and dear to me and that is the very essence of each Teenage Girl or Young Woman that lives in misery.  It’s sad to me to see young ladies so lost without a sense of identity of their own but would rather act it out by wanting to be like their favorite celebrity.  Not realizing that even their lives aren’t as happy as they seem.  The makeup, the weaves, the wigs, the tight skirts, cropped shirts just expose the outer view but what I want to discover is the real you.  The real you that loves hard, feels pain constantly because your life wasn’t or isn’t what you think it should be.  I want to pull you close and just hug you and let you know everything will be ok and that you don’t have to change to be seen.  It saddens me to know that there are young ladies out here taking their own lives due to someone bullying them.  I happen to see a video of a young lady that committed suicide on camera by taking all the pills her dad had in the medicine cabinet and they were full bottles too.  To see her take each pill in handfuls and swallow them down with cough syrup and then eventually had to use water because the syrup was too much for her.  I just had to wonder was there something else that could’ve been done and of course there was.  I’m not sure the actual outcome because she turned off the camera once all pills were consumed.  I just prayed that she went in the other room, where you could hear her family talking and asked for help.  Its things like this that really saddens me because no one really knows a person’s secret pain.  The thing is they show signs, but are we really that busy that we just don’t notice their cries.  I wish I could shield every young lady from feeling so much pain and agony.  But rather build them up and let them know its ok to dream, it ok to be smart, its ok to be you.  So what you may not look like them or everyone may not like you, but one thing I want them to know is that they are a rare gem.  I feel it to be my duty to help these young women out of the entrapment that is placed within their minds and let them know that you are not merely just a behind, a THOT, a B*%^& or whatever word that is placed on these young women.  It’s sad because so many carry it like it’s a badge of honor, not realizing that they are so much more than that.  Anyone can tell you that you are fine, that they want you but do they really mean it?  (Cue the music before starting the reading of the poem)

Hey You, yeah You; come over here and see my view.  You are Beautiful, You are Strong, and You are Resilient so please tell me what’s wrong.  By the look in your eyes I see pain, stress and shame.  Why I ask?  Do you not think you have more to gain out of life, out of this life, out of your life?  Why I ask?  Because all I see is twerking and shaking your ___.  Don’t you know you are so much more than a 10, your thighs, hips and lips only conceal what lies within?  Your lips speak words that degrade your very being.  Don’t you know you’re so much more than what you portray because know for sure that your body can’t always take you a long way.  Why I ask?  Because your mouthpiece must echo the very words to lift you up, build your sister up but not tear each other down with speech that is of a disrespectful, rude tone.  Why I ask?  Don’t you know I see your secret pain?  You try to hide it through substances that can numb everything then resort to more things that will take your breath away.  Your life ends at a sudden glance.  Leaving behind those that loved you but you couldn’t see due to your silent shame.  It wasn’t your fault he touched you that way or said things that hurt you in every way.  If only someone would’ve heard your days and nights full of tears or paid closer attention to the changes that were going on from within that came outwardly.  If only someone would’ve uttered words to give you reason to stay.  Oooo, I’m so glad that this was a mere dream and not reality.  So why I ask?  I ask because I want you to heal from your gut, come out of this rut and ask the Lord to help you to gain your joy, your peace, your self-worth, your dignity.  And then maybe your life will no longer be a mystery because greater is he that is within me, that is within you now come here so I can see the new you.
This poem was birthed out of my spirit and I wrote this for YOU, HER, SHE, ME, US.  Don't allow the obstacles, trials of this life to keep you feeling like you are nothing but know that we will no longer be the Victim but become Victorious. We are all flawed but as the song says we’re Beautiful Creatures, and that WORTH IT, WE ARE!!!


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