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Showing posts from April, 2012

"Everything that Glitters Aint Gold"

Hello Wonderfully Made Ladies, I know, I know it has been a while since you last heard from me but to be honest and transparent as I always am.   I must say I lost myself for a minute and am just now getting back to ME . As I am approaching my 30 th Birthday really soon I must say I am    starting to realize what it’s all about and what I want for my life.   I must admit that love was at the forefront and still is a little but after having a relationship for the last month or so I realized I lost myself, my identity, who I am and whose I am.   I had been out of a relationship for quite a few years so the idea of falling in love again just intrigued me because it was something I was so afraid of all that time before.   And for me when it comes to relationships I have a tendency to give my all from jump which in the end either will leave you in a happy relationship still or heartbroken wondering what did you do wrong.   But we have to understand and realize that this really may not be