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Showing posts from August, 2013

Take IT Back

Hello Beautiful Women,  I’m back at it again and this time I must address us ladies and the fact that I feel we need or must have validation from the opposite sex. My heartaches for us because it’s so often we turn down our gifts, dreams, vision, destiny due to the distraction of that in which we call men. I’m speaking from a very personal place as I write this because a few months back I was on my celibacy kick and trying to be pleasing in God’s eyes. I was focused, working on my non-profit, planning events, my makeup was doing well, I had appointments booked left and right but then the distraction came. In the midst of being busy I longed for companionship and here he came; looking like a Fine, Tall glass of water unlike anyone I had talked too. Shoot he was light skin and typically I go for more of the chocolate, bald head but this man was BEAUTIFUL to me. Lol and instantly the day we met where I should have took heed out the gate to things but I ultimately got caught up in all