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Take IT Back

Hello Beautiful Women, 

I’m back at it again and this time I must address us ladies and the fact that I feel we need or must have validation from the opposite sex. My heartaches for us because it’s so often we turn down our gifts, dreams, vision, destiny due to the distraction of that in which we call men. I’m speaking from a very personal place as I write this because a few months back I was on my celibacy kick and trying to be pleasing in God’s eyes. I was focused, working on my non-profit, planning events, my makeup was doing well, I had appointments booked left and right but then the distraction came.

In the midst of being busy I longed for companionship and here he came; looking like a Fine, Tall glass of water unlike anyone I had talked too. Shoot he was light skin and typically I go for more of the chocolate, bald head but this man was BEAUTIFUL to me. Lol and instantly the day we met where I should have took heed out the gate to things but I ultimately got caught up in all that was HIM. I couldn’t see past his fineness but the warning came before destruction so I have to wonder why I didn’t pay attention to the signs initially and the answer was because I was caught up in my fleshly desire that was HIM. The relationship progressed so swiftly that it made my head spin. After 2 weeks he had spoken the words that most of us ladies want to hear as he dropped down to one knee as if he was about to propose and uttered the words “I LOVE YOU,” all while pointing out every detail there was about me that made him feel this way. So ladies you already know the celibacy was out the door. But it seemed no sooner than all this happened the Lord opened my eyes and I was no longer blind to him and who he really was. I started to notice things like the late night visits, some texts that went unanswered, calls and no answers, I was only convenient when he needed a fix which was me, no dates or out in public period.

Now ladies I must ask why it takes all these things to take place and God revealing things to us initially that we just don’t take heed. What I realize is that we all want to feel wanted or needed, need validation, need love when in all the while we start to lose ourselves slowly but surely. We become insecure, depressed, less desired, angry and eventually feeling like we’re not good enough. And all of a sudden these negative thoughts attack our self-esteem, self-worth, dreams start to fade, passions start to die and then loneliness sets in and its back to trying to regroup, rebuild and putting back together the pieces of your life that were intact initially back together. 

But I challenge you ladies to take your happiness back, allow God to love on you in a way that he desires to love us. I know we get caught up in the tangible and physical that the intangible which is God just doesn’t seem enough. But when the relationship ends and we are left brokenhearted and empty then we turn to him. We have to get to a point where we are just happy in Jesus and happy in being us. The Lord will never lead us astray or into the arms of someone that isn’t following him. We must be like the saying “that our hearts should be so hidden in Him, that a man has to look to God to find us.” Aren’t you tired already of falling into the same trap, same lies, and same games? Realize you don’t need a man to validate you and you must become happy being just who you are. YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image and likeness, YOU are that Proverbs 31 woman Virtuous and YOUR worth is far above rubies. I admonish you ladies to take back all that the enemy has robbed you of and allow God to restore you and to STOP allowing WHO YOU are and WHOSE YOU are to fall by the wayside or lie dormant due to some man that isn’t pouring into you, building you up or making you feel like the QUEEN YOU are. I have grown tired and weary in the hearts that ache due to some man that was never meant to be there to violate you and rob you of your peace, validity, and virtue. I have one thing to say and that is “TAKE IT BACK!!!” Take it back and walk in the fullness and glory of God. Allow him to restore you and heal you completely from the inside/out. This is my hearts cry and I pray we all take heed and DO and be ALL that God designed us to be cause while we are broken we can’t be nothing to that Man that he may have actually created for us. At the end of the day continue to know and proclaim that “Worth It, I Am!!!”


  1. Thank you for sharing this intimate part of your journey to encourage others as they are on theirs. Love you!


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