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Showing posts from July, 2011

PORN pays the BILLS!!!

Hello Blessed Ladies, Have any of you ever contemplated or played with the idea of pornography?  Well, for me this thought came to mind a few months back.  Allow me to take you into my world and into my thoughts.  After being here in Cali for 5 months, my mind was really messed up because I was enduring so much struggle just to be here.  I was sleeping on an air mattress that started to deflate as well as using other peoples blankets to keep warm,because I had a light bill that was over $500 due to the fact that I was running my heat, had roaches, facing eviction from my apartment, was not working as much with my freelance job and the search for a job was very discouraging due to the lack of employment here in LA.  I feared that the thought of seriously doing porn would become my reality because I already struggled with this thought before I even left Little Rock.  I knew Los Angeles was the porn capitol and began thinking, "ok, if all fails, I can just become a PORN STAR.&quo

In His Response, "Daddy Never Forgot you Selina"

Hello Everyones, This blog is a follow up to my previous blog titled, "Not your Typical Fathers Day Message".   I have been meaning to get this up for quite sometime now but life has been happening.  In this blog you will see my Dad's response to what I posted.  I know personal, huh.  But the first step to healing is being transparent and not afraid to allow people to see you for who you really are and what you have gone through.  Selina, To begin with, I want you to know how proud of you I am. I’m especially proud of how you’re allowing yourself to move forward with your life and truly working on putting the past behind you. I know it wasn’t easy for you growing up without me and I NEVER wanted that to happen but circumstances and life just seem to play a part in killing the best laid plans. When you were born, it was probably one of the happiest days of my life. You were MY daughter.   Without getting into details, I’ll just tell you that for the next few years, before