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Showing posts from November, 2011

Pregnant, I Can't Be!!!

Hey Ladies, Ok, this topic that I want to discuss is in reference to something that happened in my past years ago and for some reason or another God has really been putting it on my heart to speak about it.   You know the first step to getting through and healing from a situation you have to be willing to share your story and one thing you Ladies know is that I don’t have a problem exposing myself.   I want to give a disclaimer now before I even go into it and apologize to any of you if this happens to offend you. So let me take you back to the year 2000.   I was in my senior year of high school and I believe it may have been April when I decided I was going to go to our schools Wellness Clinic to get on Birth Control again.   I remember that day like it was yesterday.   I went and spoke with Mrs.   Mitchell that was at the front desk and said I needed to see the doctor.   She called me back and I remember telling her what I wanted and she was like “well first let’s do a preg

I Made It, I Survived!!! LA wasnt ALL Bad.

Hey Everyone,     I know it’s been a while, and honestly, I’m not sure where to begin. My life the last few months has been a trip and I really didn’t know how I was going to get through it. You would think just from previous blogs that life and times had been trying, but this time around seemed to be on a whole other level. I guess in this blog I will just take it back and work my way forward.     So I survived my 1 st year in LA.   My year started with a bang as I was out every day grinding trying to find work.   Now keep in mind when I left Little Rock, I left behind all the stability I had to come out and chase a dream that I wasn’t that sure about or would work out but my faith pushed me to just step out and press my way through.   The first week of my arrival to LA I set out to find a makeup gig, so I went to the Beverly Center Mall which is considered to be a more upscale establishment, I had my makeup beat and my resume in tow and I was determined to walk away with a job