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I Made It, I Survived!!! LA wasnt ALL Bad.

Hey Everyone,
  I know it’s been a while, and honestly, I’m not sure where to begin. My life the last few months has been a trip and I really didn’t know how I was going to get through it. You would think just from previous blogs that life and times had been trying, but this time around seemed to be on a whole other level. I guess in this blog I will just take it back and work my way forward.
  So I survived my 1st year in LA.  My year started with a bang as I was out every day grinding trying to find work.  Now keep in mind when I left Little Rock, I left behind all the stability I had to come out and chase a dream that I wasn’t that sure about or would work out but my faith pushed me to just step out and press my way through.  The first week of my arrival to LA I set out to find a makeup gig, so I went to the Beverly Center Mall which is considered to be a more upscale establishment, I had my makeup beat and my resume in tow and I was determined to walk away with a job that day.  See, this is the type of faith and tenacity we got to have to just step out and make things happen.  If you take one step, God will most definitely take two, and he did show up on this day. 
  I walked into Macy’s and went around to the counters I had worked for before moving to LA to see if they had any openings, and at first I started to feel a bit of discouragement come over me, but then something said just go on over to Lancome and lets just see what will happen.  I approached the ladies at the counter and asked if they had any openings, and the manager was like “no not at the time but wait we do have freelance opportunities and our Account Coordinator is in if you would like to speak with her.”  All I could think was Thank You Jesus, because this was just the break I was hoping for and to do freelance was always something I wanted to do.    
 The Lady and I sat down and chatted and immediately she was impressed with my knowledge of the line and how excited I seemed that she offered me the position on the spot so all I could do was thank God cause he showed himself and this was divine.  From that moment forward I got things together for the position and I  started working within the next few weeks.  I also went to Eclectic Salon where a wonderful Hairstylist by the name of Jacqui Monteiro is owner and I spoke with her.  The crazy thing was that when I first came to LA to visit I had previously seen Ms.  Jacqui on Tabetha’s Salon Takeover, and from that show I noticed how sweet her spirit was so I had to go and meet her before I moved.  The first encounter with her was great.  She told me whenever I did come back to live I had a place in her salon, so I set out to go see her since I had finally touched down.  We talked and that offer was still there so I eventually started working with her.  She has some really Great Stylist in there and to me it was so intimidating but I pressed my way through. 
  Being with her opened doors for different opportunities to meet and do makeup for people in the industry.  Through Ms.  Jacqui I was able to do makeup for some Basketball Wives for a taping that they were doing.  It was a Great experience and the ladies were really nice.  Sometimes when you think of people in Hollywood you’re not too sure what character or personality you are going to get.  So as I was settling into LA life more opportunities came about to meet great people.  I remember I saw something on Craigslist about a commercial so of course I submitted myself to it because not only did I come out here for makeup but I also wanted to pursue modeling and acting.  I remember it was exactly the next day after I had submitted myself for the commercial that I got a call and it was one of the producers from the BET Show “My Black is Beautiful.”  I was ecstatic to know who it was and who the commercial would be for.  So on that day I was called in to do a taping on Oct. 7th.  It was a commercial segment in between the show.   I was so excited when I got there and everyone was so nice, even the other young ladies that were taping as well.  I was shocked by this cause this was Hollywood we’re talking about and some people can really be full of themselves.  The taping went well and I was told to just tune in every Sunday to see if my clip came on.  Omg, to see myself come up on the TV, I nearly freaked out cause I was like I am on TV and on TV with BET! 
  This was major to me coming from a girl that came from Little Rock chasing a dream and not knowing the outcome.  God showed up then and I was so grateful again.  So these few events happened a month or maybe a few weeks after I had landed in LA.  By the time December hit I got a call from a friend that I had made at a temp job. She and her friend have a Gospel online publication.  I remember it like it was yesterday - I was out and about with another friend when I got this call from her asking me if I’d like to host on the red carpet for the Celebration of Gospel.  I was so honored but yet so scared.  So I set out to find me a nice party dress so that I would be ready for this event.  When the next day came I was in such “Ah” of where I was and the amount of favor I had walked into just for being faithful and trusting God.  This is why we must always trust in God and lean not to our own understanding.  When I arrived I can say I was completely star struck and I literally couldn’t talk and luckily the young man that usually works with them was able to make it so I just kinda stood in the background and just watched him as he interviewed the many Gospel Greats as well as Actors.  I ended up being the photographer and was able to get pics of everyone.  It was a really great evening and I even got free admission into the event.  It was an Amazing night!!! 
  After this event, things were at a standstill; it wasn’t until about the end of April when I was called by an up and coming star that I met while doing the audience taping for “My Black is Beautiful.”   She is a comedienne, actress, and health guru and a  Woman of God, amongst other things.  She asked if I was available to do makeup for her and her colleague as they had a new radio broadcast coming up.  Of course I said yes and because makeup is my passion I will always say yes to something that is utilizing my craft.  The shoot was Amazing and the Photographer was a celebrity photographer too.  He has shot several Great people such as Tina Marie, Destiny’s Child and the King of Pop Michael Jackson just to name a few.  It was a pleasure to be in the company of wonderful people once again. Ok from this encounter I had gained new people in my life that had my back and would call me if there was anything that I could get in on.  After this shoot I got a random call from a Singer that at the time I felt like my ears were clogged because I ended up turning down an opportunity to do their makeup cause at  the time she needed me I was supposed to be heading home to Little Rock. 
  Once I got a call from my friend and her telling me “girl why did you turn down so and so” and when she told me the womans name I flipped cause I was like I didn’t hear her say her name.  I felt so bad from that moment forward and was trying everything I could to try to get this client back but I was too late.  She was nice and told me she would keep me in her file as she had gotten a great reference from my friends.  So after this came to a head I felt so bad that I had missed whatever opportunity that would have come the next time because I figured God wouldn’t give me a second chance since I fumbled with this one.  But to no avail he came and showed out way harder than he did with this person.  I want you all to know that death and life are most certainly in the POWER of the tongue so you have the ability to speak things into existence and never underestimate God because he can exceed your expectations.
   I remember it was the night of June 25th, me and some friends went to the Musiq Soulchild Concert and I remembered telling them that “yall I hope the Lord favors me and I get a chance to go to the BET Awards tomorrow.”  I was just candidly speaking not realizing what I had released into the atmosphere but the very next day I got a call that changed my thinking forever.  I was about to start getting ready for church when I got the surprising call from Ms.  Jacqui and she said “Selina what are you doing?”  In my response I said “about to get ready for church.”  She was like “well I need you, can you come to the salon to do someone’s makeup that is opening up tonight at the BET Awards?  Would you like to know who it is?”  My heart was about to beat up out my chest so I said “Who?”  She was like Anita Baker, I nearly lost it once she got off the phone with me because Lord knows I Love me some Ms.  Anita.  I got dressed as fast as I could and headed that way.  When I arrived Ms.  Baker hadn’t arrived yet so it gave me an opportunity to get set up.  My nerves were on edge because I was thinking OMG this is huge and God you just answered to a candid thought that I spoke on last night.  I had a deeper revelation of God and his favor at that very moment.  Ms.  Baker arrived and I was in “Ah” yet again because all I could think is I’m about to touch her face.  She was really nice and told me “well Selina you know what, we have a few hours before the show would you just like to come with me and we can just do my face there?” I was really tripping then cause I was like Lord I did say I wanted to go to the Awards you have allowed me the opportunity to be backstage amongst all the Great people.  I was so humbled even more at that moment. 

  So long story short I got an opportunity to mix and mingle with Artists that I only dreamed about as I watched them on TV.  Ms. Baker kept me at her hip so everywhere she went; there I was with makeup bag in hand, ready.  She was a really Wonderful Lady and I was so blessed by that opportunity to do her makeup.  From there the next month I had gotten a call again from my photographer friend and he was like “Selina can you come help me out today, I need you to do some makeup for Actor Omari Hardwick” (known from For Colored Girls and ConAir as well as other movies.)  I had previously met him 2 other times through my friend so it was my pleasure to do his makeup.  He was great to work with as well.  Ok so I have gone through all my triumphs to say this that no matter what you may feel or think that in spite of your test and trials God is still able to use you.  Your gifts will most definitely make room for you and never be discouraged about where you have been because the very things you may have had to go through was only a prerequisite to get you to where you’re going.  Don’t allow any setbacks to keep you from making a comeback.  I wanted to blog this to just send some encouragement to others to let them know that God will do exceedingly and abundantly.  You have to just trust and believe in him, that HE that began a GREAT work in you will perform it!!!  God will supersede your wildest imagination.  Stay focused on your DREAM and your VISION and watch God bring those things to pass.  No one could have ever told me I would have ended up in the places that I did.  But it was only by his Grace that placed me there.  Never stop dreaming just keep pressing!!!  And continue to operate in being Worth it because You are!!!




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