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Showing posts from 2012

"Everything that Glitters Aint Gold"

Hello Wonderfully Made Ladies, I know, I know it has been a while since you last heard from me but to be honest and transparent as I always am.   I must say I lost myself for a minute and am just now getting back to ME . As I am approaching my 30 th Birthday really soon I must say I am    starting to realize what it’s all about and what I want for my life.   I must admit that love was at the forefront and still is a little but after having a relationship for the last month or so I realized I lost myself, my identity, who I am and whose I am.   I had been out of a relationship for quite a few years so the idea of falling in love again just intrigued me because it was something I was so afraid of all that time before.   And for me when it comes to relationships I have a tendency to give my all from jump which in the end either will leave you in a happy relationship still or heartbroken wondering what did you do wrong.   But we have to understand and realize that this really may not be

Beware of Familiar Spirits

So I’m back in the Motherland, back to my roots, back to where I began which is here in Little Rock, AR.   I know y’all maybe saying  “dang this girl is unstable and has been moving. lol”   Well most of this is true but I was in Colorado with my dad and stepmom (which you already knew that) and it was a great experience but short lived.   CO was a little too cold and just not the place for me.   But I did meet some great people and made some friendships that will last a lifetime.   God always has a way of placing wonderful people in my path.   Well OK so this is not what I came on here to discuss but rather the topic at hand is the overwhelming, thought provoking, temptation feeling that I have had since I got back to the Rock.   Let me paint the picture for you. So I’m walking around my sister’s house and I feel this overwhelming of a wandering spirit upon me.   Even though I know I am physically and mentally drained my emotions seem to be in overload, desiring to kept and felt safe