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Showing posts from March, 2013

Are you going to HEAL or continue to HURT?

Hey Beautiful Ladies, Ok so at the beginning of 2012 I stated that my desire for the New Year was to embrace LOVE because I felt I was ready to give and receive it.   ( Sigh)!!!  So love came and went in this year and I hated to think or even say it but I felt as if I had grown an immunity to hurt and that it was just something I had just grown use too.   The last relationship I was in I had really let my guard down and embraced this person in a way that I hoped and prayed he would eventually be my Hubby but as time progressed things moved extremely fast and there really was no room to really get to the heart of the person or a chance for them to get to the heart of me.   The Lord has a way of removing things that he may not have joined together.   When the breakup had happened I realized that neither of us had ever dealt with our past hurts so there really was no room to fully love one another in a way in which we desired to be loved.   And as I reflected on this I thought abo

Uncertainties of Time

  Well Hello Ladies, I know, I know it has been forever since I have posted anything.   Honestly I actually lost my motivation to write for a while.   You know when life deals you a certain hand it often times can be hard to bounce back to what you use to do but I can now gladly say that I am back. So I will start this blog by saying is it just me or does it seem that life knocks you down and you feel there’s no way to get back up.   The uncertainties of what’s going on, what am I doing wrong.   That makes it seem that life is almost impossible to live so I ask what do you do.   Do you just give up, throw in the towel and just say this is as good as it gets.   NO , you build up your faith, push yourself to keep moving, for it’s only a bump in the road and life won’t always be chaotic.   I’m writing this because life for me in the past year had been full of ups and downs, topsy-turvy and just no hope or no since of peace was in sight.   Since October of 2011 when the time cam