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Uncertainties of Time

Well Hello Ladies,

I know, I know it has been forever since I have posted anything.  Honestly I actually lost my motivation to write for a while.  You know when life deals you a certain hand it often times can be hard to bounce back to what you use to do but I can now gladly say that I am back.

So I will start this blog by saying is it just me or does it seem that life knocks you down and you feel there’s no way to get back up.  The uncertainties of what’s going on, what am I doing wrong.  That makes it seem that life is almost impossible to live so I ask what do you do.  Do you just give up, throw in the towel and just say this is as good as it gets.  NO, you build up your faith, push yourself to keep moving, for it’s only a bump in the road and life won’t always be chaotic.  I’m writing this because life for me in the past year had been full of ups and downs, topsy-turvy and just no hope or no since of peace was in sight.  Since October of 2011 when the time came that my job had ended, I had to leave California, it seemed that it had all came crumbling down and any source of stability was nowhere to be found.  From California to Colorado no job, from Colorado to Arkansas still no job.  In the midst of submitting resume after resume you start to lose faith and hope that anything will ever come through.  This will have a tendency to weigh heavy on one’s spirit, one’s heart.  Feeling inadequate and questioning why this seems to keep happening. Why does it seem to be an ongoing cycle.  So is this what my life has become now is what I ask myself. 

One thing I have discovered as I took a break from writing this and life has still gone on; is that you have to change your thinking.  To get a positive outcome, you must speak and think positive thoughts.  I knew if I continued to live in the negative that things would never change and life would just continue to stay the same.  So I admonish you to think about what your thinking about.  If you have a defeated attitude then you have already set yourself up for defeat but if you have an "I'm more than a conqueror" attitude then your thoughts will be all things can and will become new and positive.  For me I just felt that there was no light at the end of the tunnel but now I see that God has brought me into a new season.  And it’s a season of prosperity, stability and financial freedom.  Which is what I have so longed for.  I couldn’t understand why it was one blow after another, one disappointment after another disappointment but I had to come to realize that without a test or trial there is no growth or progress we can’t continue to live life the same way.  Especially if you have an anointing or calling on your life.  You will forever be tested, forever be tried because if not then you have no testimony, no opportunity to speak life and help the next person going through almost the same situations.  I can now say I am so thankful for the process and all that I have endured and gone through cause at the end of the day it was a trying of my faith and my will to continue to stand and persevere through adversity.  So as the bible says to “count it all Joy.”  And that is exactly what I am doing.  That which does not kill you most certainly makes you stronger and helps you to know and realize how much you are truly Worth It. 


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