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Showing posts from June, 2011

Not your Typical Fathers Day message!!!

" Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed would be thy name. " Are you wondering why I underlined Father well a wise man once said that its hard to really have a committed relationship with the Father if your natural Father really wasn't around. You lack consistency with reading the word because there was no consistency with your Father. (I'm paraphrasing)  And you know what at first I couldn't quite understand that but then a light bulb went off and I had finally got it. Let me take you on a journey,  I remember it like it was yesterday I was at Ms.  Nickel's house, (my then babysitter) and I was in the backyard playing with the rest of the kids, I had to be about 3 years old.  When I saw the first man that I had ever laid eyes on walking up the alley way.  I believe I was so excited because from what I hear I was a daddy's girl.  My daddy called me to the metal fence and told me that he loved me and gave me a kiss and proceeded to walk away and from th

From Feeling Inadequate to Being Adequate!

Good Day Ladies, I was just sitting here thinking over last Saturday and the thoughts and feelings I was having.  I was so emotional and it started earlier that week. I had had a great conversation with my mom that was very healing because for so long I never fully knew who she was but once everything was brought out into the open I went into a depression because I started to realize that I didnt fully know who I was because of her not fully expressing who she was,  she wasnt capable of helping me figure out my own life.   At times, I would go through the mind battles of feeling unworthy and not good enough. As a matter of fact I had a photo shoot a while ago and was insulted because I wasnt "fit enough."  This comment came from someone that I considered to be influential in my life and it wasnt really about what they said but more or less how they said it.  Wait I take that back it was very hurtful.  I had previously had a conversation with them so they knew where my mind s

How much are YOU Worth?

Proverbs 31:10 Who can   find a virtuous woman?  For her price ( WORTH ) is far above rubies. i am Worth it!!!   is here to help motivate, encourage and empower adolescents, young ladies, and women know that in spite of what race, religion, society, family and even your mind will say or tell you, YOU are Worth it!!!  You are Worthy to take over any and all situations, challenges and circumstances.  We will no longer be held down or held back by the attacks of low self-esteem, self worth, inadequacies, mind battles, abandonment, etc. Proverbs 31:10 Who can   find a virtuous woman?  For her price ( WORTH ) is far above rubies. "The person ( who ) that means to ( can ) come upon you by chance will encounter ( find ) a morally excellent ( virtuous ) woman. For her worth/value ( price ) is a great distance ( far ) higher, in authority, rank, or power ( above ), than a precious gem ( rubies )!!!!" You may be wondering who I am… My name is Selina and for years I battled,