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How much are YOU Worth?

Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a virtuous woman?  For her price (WORTH) is far above rubies.

i am Worth it!!!  is here to help motivate, encourage and empower adolescents, young ladies, and women know that in spite of what race, religion, society, family and even your mind will say or tell you, YOU are Worth it!!!  You are Worthy to take over any and all situations, challenges and circumstances.  We will no longer be held down or held back by the attacks of low self-esteem, self worth, inadequacies, mind battles, abandonment, etc.

Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a virtuous woman?  For her price (WORTH) is far above rubies.

"The person (who) that means to (can) come upon you by chance will encounter (find) a morally excellent (virtuous) woman. For her worth/value (price) is a great distance (far) higher, in authority, rank, or power (above), than a precious gem (rubies)!!!!"

You may be wondering who I am… My name is Selina and for years I battled, better yet struggled, with the feelings of not being good enough and taking things off of people that lowered my Worth or my standards.  For years, I allowed myself to live and breathe negativity, but I am here now to empower each of you as I am still growing to come out of the shadows of the past and walk in the light of being Worth it!!!


  1. I like the idea of this blog. It is amazing how many of us women fail to realize our worth! I'm convinced that we wouldn't put up with as half as much mess as we do/did, if we knew our value. Chickens and Eagles don't even play together. I look forward to reading more!

  2. Some of the worlds most gorgeous women suffer from the same instance(s). (Hint: You're gorg!) The only reason why you're bothered by these instances, is because you're bothered by these instances. When you have peace with it all, can't/won't nothing bother you in any shape or fashion. Change what's in your power to change (outside), and leave the rest to God (inside). I'm all for being happy about my inside as well as my out.
    This is an awesome move you've made by empowering women through transparency. (;

  3. Lina I think this is great. You are an amazing woman of GOD. Continue to soar because the sky is definitely the limit for you. You have amazing talent and it shows. I'm so proud of you sweetie. Love you much!!


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