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Showing posts from December, 2011

This is My desire in 2012, How about you?

  Hey Lovely Ladies, Ok so to close out this year I figured I would talk about my view on love because this is what I’m ushering in in the New Year.   2012 will be my year to love, get love, allow love, receive love and most of all give love away to someone special and worthy of it and me.   I have noticed in this month that I have been here with my dad and stepmom that love is not lost and it is out there.   I just can’t continue to cut myself off from it.   My dad has been such a blessing because now I know and get what love is and should be like.   At first my view was so distorted and I felt that in order for a man to love me we had to argue because that would show how much he loved me.   And also because that was some of what I saw as a child growing up with my mom and stepdad.   Dysfunction is what I call it but now as I’m in a home with a couple that has been together for going on 21 years next month and got married after a month of knowing one another I know for certai

Self-Reflection: Mind Battles

Hello Beautiful Ladies, Ok so it’s one of those nights that I am up and am reflecting on my life.   The year is coming to a close and Lord knows I am so happy to have seen and gone through all that I have.   It has most definitely been a process and a lot of growing up.   Now I told you in one of my blogs that I was going to take you on a journey pretty much of the events and things that life has been like in the last few months before my leaving LA.   I can’t help but become sad at the thought of all the relationships that have ended that I thought would last forever. I had two very close friends out in LA and we were tight like glue until the idea of us living together came into play.   I struggled so badly in the friendships after becoming roommates.   I guess it’s better to live apart than together cause if so maybe those relationships or friendships would have lasted.   Well maybe not cause all that happened, happened just the way God intended for it too.   So my last week befo

Often asked ?, Why did I leave LA? Answer: Read Below

Hey Ladies, Ok, so today I’m stuck in the house cause it is snowing again, so what better way to utilize my time than to write another blog post.   Any who, I have been having several people ask me “Selina, why you leave LA?”,   Well here’s how the story goes. I was working my temp job at Kaiser when my bosses came to me and said “Selina we are going to give you another month here and after that we are going to end your position so we just wanted to give you time to find something else.”   I was really appreciative to them because they didn’t have to do that.   They could have just said today’s your last day and in actuality I knew the time was drawing near.    So after that happened I was at school cause at that time   I was in school to become a Licensed Esthetician just to add something else to my resume and my career path when I received a text from my former roommate telling me she had put in a 30 day notice without formally having a talk about it.   I already knew things we