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Often asked ?, Why did I leave LA? Answer: Read Below

Hey Ladies,

Ok, so today I’m stuck in the house cause it is snowing again, so what better way to utilize my time than to write another blog post.  Any who, I have been having several people ask me “Selina, why you leave LA?”,  Well here’s how the story goes.
I was working my temp job at Kaiser when my bosses came to me and said “Selina we are going to give you another month here and after that we are going to end your position so we just wanted to give you time to find something else.”  I was really appreciative to them because they didn’t have to do that.  They could have just said today’s your last day and in actuality I knew the time was drawing near.   So after that happened I was at school cause at that time  I was in school to become a Licensed Esthetician just to add something else to my resume and my career path when I received a text from my former roommate telling me she had put in a 30 day notice without formally having a talk about it.  I already knew things were pretty much coming to a wrap with the living situation but it was something that caught me off guard and something else I had to prepare for besides the job ending. 
So I went on through the month in hopes that something would come together but the closer the time was drawing near nothing came through.  But thanks be to my Dad for stepping in and was like “well Selina you have had a rough year but a good year and maybe you should just come here to Colorado to regroup.  It doesn’t mean you failed you just need a break to clear your head.”  I was so against doing this because I felt I had something to prove that I could still make it in the midst of adversity that had hit me once again.  I felt that I would be letting down everyone that I had made commitments too especially the Mentor group that I was a part of that made me a Leader.
 I hated to let those ladies and even more, the girls down.   So the decision to move was really a hard one.  I tried everything I could.  I even had my teacher at the school helping me try and find something but nothing seemed to come together so my Dad said “Selina I’m giving you til the 20th of October to make your decision.”  I prayed so hard for some relief and to be able to stay in Cali to continue to pursue my dreams but on that exact day the answer came and it was evident that I was leaving and I had finally gained a sense of peace about my decision.  I just thought maybe this is what has to happen because the Lord knew all that I had endured in that years’ time.  From my health being in an uproar due to stress, not knowing if I was coming or going to broken friendships that once were a blessing and something I thought was a lifetime,  turned into a season and resentment and the uncertainty of work.  When I say that LA can be a hard place to really plant your feet and make some roots it really is, but it was still a great year and a great experience none the less.
 I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey!!!  Everything I went through was all for my good and matured me to be the woman that I am today.  God sometimes has to take you out of a place to get you to refocus on what’s really important, and that is, doing his work.  I continue to feel like Abraham moving from Haran into a place where the Lord is going to make my name great, and Colorado is just my detour to regroup and refocus.  Maybe now I will be able to get all that God has shown me off the ground.  Who knows all I can say is be on the lookout because I’m coming.   I am Worth it and so are YOU!!!.


  1. I have faith in God that you're going to make it. Stay strong and keep your faith sis...Keep knocking down them walls!!


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