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Don't Mess with TEXAS!!!

Hello Beautiful Ladies , I know, I know, I know it's been forever since you all have heard from me but honestly I haven't had much inspiration or anything to write about.  But now I'm back with a few stories to share with you all.  You may want to grab you a cold drink and some popcorn for this one.  Lol On July 3rd a whole year ago I moved to Dallas, TX in the pursuit of finishing something I started back in 2004 which was going back to Mortuary School.  Now quite a few of you all know I have no problem with uprooting my life and moving so before I left Arkansas to come here I had done all my research on an apartment, a funeral home job, amongst other things.  First things first, when I touched down here in Dallas I went to check out the apartment I found online that I had paid money for and signed my lease on.  Upon my arrival there I noticed this place looked nothing like what it did from the pictures and the advertisement said newly renovated but the only thing
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I See You!!!

Hello Beautiful Ladies, Its been quite a while I must say but there has been something that has really been pressing on me so I’m writing this blog out of my anguish, out of a place that is near and dear to me and that is the very essence of each Teenage Girl or Young Woman that lives in misery.   It’s sad to me to see young ladies so lost without a sense of identity of their own but would rather act it out by wanting to be like their favorite celebrity.   Not realizing that even their lives aren’t as happy as they seem.   The makeup, the weaves, the wigs, the tight skirts, cropped shirts just expose the outer view but what I want to discover is the real you.   The real you that loves hard, feels pain constantly because your life wasn’t or isn’t what you think it should be.   I want to pull you close and just hug you and let you know everything will be ok and that you don’t have to change to be seen.   It saddens me to know that there are young ladies out here taking their

Life I Know

Hello Ladies, So I know I have been away for a while and I have come to the conclusion that I am a sporadic writer. When something hits me deep in my spirit or soul I have to take a moment to write it out cause writing is my therapy. This blog is just a bunch of thoughts that were going through my head one day as I was having an emotional day or should I say couple of days. Usually I can shake it off and pray and then feel fine but these things have been beating me to my core for some time now. Any who here goes!!! (Cue music, please!!! This song has so much meaning to what I have been feeling.) To walk around every day wondering aimlessly in a world that’s so cold but still able to be a light of hope and encouragement to others who endure so much pain and emotions. But I look in the mirror and ask myself what about your secret pain, the tears, the fears that you endure. No one knows cause often people are so consumed with their stuff that you walk in this life alone, not alone in

Christmas just ain't Christmas without the One you Love!!!

Merry Christmas Ladies, It is on this day that I reflect on my Grandmother.  Her memory lives on even more during this season and seems to hurt all the more with her not being here.  In this blog I have wrote an Ode to my Gran-Ma-Ma (thats the name I would call her). I remember the days of being in the country and spending those special moments with you. I remember as a Little Girl wanting to duplicate everything you did from pulling up a chair to the sink to help you wash the dishes and as time went on and I grew bigger that became my chore.  I hated doing it then, lol but would do anything for you!!! I remember the times you would sit me down to comb my hair and I would get up with more grease on my forehead than in my hair.  lol I remember the nights when it would be time for bed and I'd nestle my little body close up under you as I would suck my thumb and play with your ear.  You did not like it but you still allowed me to do it because you knew it brought me comfort.

"You Wonda Y They Call You BITCH!!!"

Hey Ladies, I know my blogs have been few and far between but I had to let time have its way and different situations inspire me to write something of substance and meaning.  I'm sure after this blog I will step on a few toes but one thing I'm not going to do is apologize for being REAL yall already know transparency is my middle name so here goes.   (P lease cue the music before starting to read)   I know some of you maybe thrown off by my title and thinking I have blown a gasket or lost my mind because my blogs are blogs to inspire and uplift but don't get it twisted its still going to do just that except this time I'm coming woman to woman and shooting straight from the hip .  "You Wonda Y They Call You Bitch," is inspired by all those young ladies/ women that feel its ok to call each other by this name but let a man call them one all Hell breaks lose.  Whatever happened to respecting yourself and not answering to something that carri

Take IT Back

Hello Beautiful Women,  I’m back at it again and this time I must address us ladies and the fact that I feel we need or must have validation from the opposite sex. My heartaches for us because it’s so often we turn down our gifts, dreams, vision, destiny due to the distraction of that in which we call men. I’m speaking from a very personal place as I write this because a few months back I was on my celibacy kick and trying to be pleasing in God’s eyes. I was focused, working on my non-profit, planning events, my makeup was doing well, I had appointments booked left and right but then the distraction came. In the midst of being busy I longed for companionship and here he came; looking like a Fine, Tall glass of water unlike anyone I had talked too. Shoot he was light skin and typically I go for more of the chocolate, bald head but this man was BEAUTIFUL to me. Lol and instantly the day we met where I should have took heed out the gate to things but I ultimately got caught up in all

“When I Wake Up”

Good Afternoon LADIES, How are we? I hope each of you is doing Amazing as for me I had to take a moment and blog about something that has been on my mind for the last month or so. (Listen to music while reading) Here goes: I think Jill Scott said it best in the song, “ When I Wake Up ” in the opening she says “ too much on my mind ,” is exactly what I have had going on. So for the last month I have felt the pressure of life and wanting to leave AR so bad. I feel that it is so slow and no room for real progression. Really I ultimately miss living in California and I long to be back there. It’s been so unsettling that it almost makes me want to pull out the little spackle of hair that sits upon my head. I try to get busy doing things to find fulfillment or pleasure but even those things only give me the temporary excitement. I often have to ask myself the question really what is it that I’m wanting or feeling that I am missing in life. And the only thing I can think of is true happi